I had bought my initial ADA (the native token/currency for Cardano) on Crypto.com and then later on Coinbase. It was only recently that I decided it would be a good idea to run the native Cardano Daedalus wallet in part because I’ve been come increasing interested in Stake Pools – either staking my own Cardano to one or running my own. Getting familiar with Daedalus seemed like a good place to start.
The wallet app is available from the Cardano site. I was both amused and disappointed that there apparently have been some bad actors out there claiming to create an Android version of the Daedalus wallet. These wallet apps are really just a scam to get people to send their crypto to the scammer’s address. Ahhh, the crypto-verse is full of sharks!
Downloading and installing the official Daedalus wallet app was no problem. Once it was installed I decided to move my first 100 ADA from Crypto.com over to my first wallet (being charged 2 ADA by Crypto.com in the process 😕). That’s when I noticed Daedalus was “syncing with the Blockchain.” Oh! I didn’t realize the wallet was a full Cardano node. I remember from my Ethereum node days that this syncing could take a while, and it certainly did. I went to bed with it only 67% synced after a few hours.
When I woke up this morning, my Mac was very unhappy. Apparently, I neglected to review the hard drive space recommendations for Daedalus. My Mac was running super-slow, giving different warnings. Daedalus had disconnected from the network and was giving me this red screen. It wanted at least 2GB of HD space…but was recommending 60+! I can certainly do 2, but there’s no way I’m finding more than 20GB (goodbye Civilization VI!). Also, the 100 ADA I tried to move yesterday was no longer in my Crypto.com account, but was not showing up in Daedalus yet. Fortunately, that’s not a panic situation because I assumed the Daedalus sync would have to complete before the block containing my transaction would show up. Sure enough, checking for my wallet address on Cardano Explorer I could see the transaction.
This is all my fault of course. Checking back at the Daedalus website, the requirements clearly recommend 10GB minimum. Once I got my system back to 15GB free things were humming along fine again.