One possibility that has intrigued me for years at the intersection of law and technology has been getting computer systems to “understand” …
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Money on Chain: An Opportunity for Leveraged Bitcoin Returns
Introduction to DeFi Imagine you want to provide a very simple financial service on the Internet. Two people, Alice and Bob, want …
I feel like a lot of the 1st generation blockchain applications have been taking advantage of the ability to use the technology …
Team Julian Bryant Shawn Cook Nick Peterson Craig Braun Background After Crypto-Susu we were ready to take on a real project. A …
Challenge Ace Parking manages a significate number of parking lots in San Diego and across the country. In San Diego, their largest …
A couple months ago, Lindsay from Diamond & Branch reached out to me about potentially acting as Facilitator/MC for an event that …
Team Julian Bryant Shawn Cook Nick Peterson Craig Braun Background: Introduction to Susu For our first blockchain project we wanted something that …
This was one of our most ambitious Startup Weekends in San Diego. We organized it during Global Startup Week in November 2014.